This assignment will consist of a quantitative article critique with a focus on the methods, statistics, analysis and interpretation. It will be important to analyze and evaluate the article not just summarize – for example it is not enough to say the sample size was adequate. You should state the sample size and state why you know it was adequate. Do NOT cut/paste from the article- this is YOUR interpretation and analysis of the article. If you use Polit or another source to substantiate your comment, then reference the source. Do not include quotes in the critique.

If you want more specifics to help you with the critique: check out Polit & Beck, (2017) on p:291 (304 in 2021 ed)- guideline for critiquing data collection plans in quantitative studies and structured data collection methods; p. 371- guideline for critiquing descriptive studies (p. 381), p. 399-guideline for critiquing bivariate inferential analyses (p. 408), p. 457- guideline for critiquing interpretations in discussion sections of quantitative research reports (p.465). These guidelines break down the components of the critique process for quantitative research.

Write your critique directly into the rubric. Do not do it in paragraph form.

Quantitative Critique Rubric- 5.25.2020
Student Name: Article Title:
Areas of critique Questions to be answered regarding article Critique Responses Points achieved
Is the title of the study clear? (1)
What is the research question(s) if stated?
What is the hypothesis if stated? (3)
Intent of the
Research (7)
What are the issues or variables being studied?
Are there Independent & Dependent variables
identified? (3)
Significance of
study (5)
How is the research problem significant to
How will the findings improve practice? (5)
What is the study design? Describe. Was
this appropriate? (5) What is the level of
evidence in this research? Describe model
used to evaluate level of research (3)
Was the sample randomized or not
randomized? Was the sample selection
Was the sample size adequate? Was there
a power analysis done? (3)
What evidence was provided that biases were
eliminated or minimized? What steps were
taken to control confounding participant
characteristics that could affect the
equivalence of groups being compared? Were
these steps adequate? (6)
What were the inclusion and exclusion
criteria? (3)
Methods (26)
Describe the instruments used- were they
reliable/valid? Is this addressed? (3)
Quantitative Critique Rubric 5.25.2020
Describe how the data was collected- was
it consistent? (3)
Procedures (6)
Were the dependent variables always
obtained in the same manner? (3)
What type of analysis was done? Identify
the statistics used-were they appropriate
for level of measurement? All
assumptions met? (5) Was rationale
provided for use of statistical tests?
Was analysis appropriate for the
design/methods used? (3)
Were the relevant sample demographics
described? (3) Were they used to answer
RQ when inferential statistics would have
been more appropriate? (3)
What were the results of the study? (3)
Were any results significant? What do the
tests tell about the RQ or hypotheses? (3)
Were any tests non-significant? Is it
plausible that these reflect a Type II error?
(3) What factors might have undermined
the study’s statistical conclusion validity?
Analysis (32)
Was an appropriate amount of statistical
information reported? Are the findings clearly
and logically organized? (3) Were tables or
figures used to summarize large amounts of
statistical information? (3)
Results and
Interpretation (24)
What was the researcher’s interpretation of
the results? (3)
Quantitative Critique Rubric 5.25.2020
Do the results make sense? Did the
researcher develop reasonable conclusions?
Do the researchers discuss the limitations of
the study and their possible effects on the
credibility of the research? (3) Did the
researchers discuss the generalizability of the
results? (3) Did the researchers discuss the
implications for clinical practice? (3)
What is your interpretation of the results?
How would you improve upon this study if
you were to conduct a similar study? (3)
Can the study results make an important
contribution? (3)
Total Points: 100




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